Lucia & Ondrej

The Bali Hope Ultra 2023

We're running for the children of Bali and in honour of a lost friend Jase

Dear friends and supporters,

On the 27th of May 2023 we will embark on a gruelling overnight coast-to-coast run across the island of Bali. In the heat and high humidity we will have to first climb a volcano and then gradually descend to the finish line over a demanding course of 84km.

This will be a challenging feat, but it is nothing compared to the obstacles that Balinese children face every day. By taking on this challenge, we hope to raise awareness and funds to help support the award-winning Bali Children Foundation in their mission to provide education and support to underprivileged children in Bali.

Education is a powerful tool that can transform the lives of individuals and communities. However, for many children in Bali, access to education is not always guaranteed. The Bali Children Foundation works tirelessly to provide education to these children, giving them the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and create a brighter future for themselves and their families.

We are asking for your support in this effort. Every donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference in the lives of these children. Your contribution will help to provide them with the tools they need to succeed, including access to education, food, and other basic needs. 

We can't stress enough the huge impact our money can make - we don't think twice about spending $100 on a dinner out with friends, yet the same amount provides food support and essential vitamins for a malnourished child for 3 months. $220 puts an elementary school child through a scholarship for one year! ONE WHOLE YEAR.

Many of us who have been lucky enough to be holidaying in Bali surely don't realise that just outside the beautiful resort where we're sipping cocktails by the pool the everyday reality is very different.

Next time you're buying that beautiful bottle of wine or (...insert your own indulgence here...) think of the difference you can make and donate on our page.

On behalf of the children of Bali, thank you for your support!

( A year ago, we lost our dear friend and an amazing ultra runner Jase. A wonderful, caring human, Jase was also a dedicated supporter of the Foundation. We are running and fundraising in his honour.)

Thank you to our Sponsors


Toby & Michael

Amazing work Ondrej and Lucia. This is to top up all donation made by the TMLabs team.


Xtraordinary Photos & Video

An honor to support two legends. Love you both!


Andrej Sitas



James Campbell

Have a ball!


Toby, Mai, Marcus And Julian

Good luck!


Tomasz Anwailer

Good luck!


Katherine Aquino

An honour to support this cause. All the best, Ondrej & Lucia!


Rene Vasington

Love you two beautiful peeps


Roneel Datt


Julia Eichelberg

We love you guys


Clayton Frost


Ben Griggs


Immanuel Ho

All the best


Bryan Graham

Great work Lucia & Ondrej! Inspirational work, keep it up


Matt & Daniel

No message.


Amanda Y

Good luck Ondrej! It’s amazing what you are doing.


Julian Furey

Awesome initiative guys! Good luck


Jen & Ferko

Great job and great cause L and O! Well done! 👏🏼


Maridel Gardner

All the best!


Laura Pietrantonio

You're both amazing! Best of luck x


Jonny Cordony

Amazing Achievement, Lucia. Good Luck!


Natasha And Sergey Z


Christian Papandreas

Running sucks


Ondrej Garaj


Vaidehi Chauhan

All the Best Ondrej and Lucia!!


Emma Fisher


Maria S

Great work and great cause!


Megan Waterhouse

Such an inspiring thing to do!!!


Zuzana Janosikova


Paul Fioretto

Well done guys. Great cause.


Michael Cutler

🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 💕



Good Luck!!!


Emma Fisher

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.


Thanh Vo

Go Lucia & Ondrej. Good luck in the run.


Henson Kamajaya


Andrea Chalupkova

Fantastic course! Thank you for this for all of us.


Pavol Kukucka

Do toho!


Leanna White

What an amazing challenge for a worthy cause in honour of your friend Jase. No doubt he’ll be with you all of the way!


Ian Lee


Aaron Clancy


Katharine Sherlock

Absolutely incredible, Good Luck Lucia xx


Simeon Tow

Have a terrific and safe time Ondrej!



Best of luck Lucia, it's an amazing cause and super inspiring!


Joel Lignier

Well done!


Kate Hughes

Good luck Lucia!! Such an incredible adventure.


Kate Hughes

Good luck Lucia!! Such an incredible adventure and achievement.


Charlotte Langhorst

Good luck! Such an amazing cause!


Agnes Gudz

Such a great cause. Good luck to you both! I can't wait to hear about your journey and how it went.


Sarah Heitkamp

So amazed by this!!! Good luck with it all!


Amanda Rojens

Best of luck!!!


Zuzana Fedorova


Mark Gu


Vaidehi Chauhan

Alll the Besssst Ondrej and Lucia!!


Conrad Roselt

Good luck to all involved 💕


Cristina Alarcon


Claire Debarre

Best of luck for this amazing run!


Ivana Vigasova

You guys rock! Good luck!!



Amazing work Lucia!