Run Society

The Bali Hope SwimRun 2023

We're fundraising for...

We are doing the Bali hope swim run consisting of 21km run and 4km swim across Bali’s Nusa Lembogan and Penida to help lift-up a disadvantaged community in Bali with the award-winning Bali Children Foundation. Please support us by donating. 

Thank you to our Sponsors


Helen Adams

So proud!! Go get em.





Mom/dad Pigott

Cheering you guys on🏃‍♀️🏊‍♂️🚲


Morley Cromwell

Couldn’t be prouder of you!


Corina Noble

Good luck! What a great cause! Smash it!


Michelle Doyle


Maria And Kos Kastrissios

Go get em guys! You're all amazing!


Brett Sarapung

Amazing stuff team 👏🏽👏🏽


Mandy Peden

Best of luck Bella & have fun


Blaine Bourke

Pain is Temporary!


Rory Macinnes

Good stuff team!


Roxane Mutschler

Love your work for such a great cause!


Benjamin Cerezo

Thank you Em! You are the change we want to see in the world x


Dana Young


William Kruze

Gettem gurlz!


Zoe Haines

Good luck gf!!!!


Milly Carrucan

go team!!!!!! so proud of you all 🤍


Lisa Slater

EMZ I know you'll absolutely crush it and give it everything those kids deserve. Proud of you ❤️


Jordan Kaminer


Del Beaumont

Good luck team!


Mel & Brenden

Lessssgo Em!


Mel & Brenden

Lesssgo Bella!


Mel & Brenden

Lesssgo Connor!




Hugh Stewart

This is sick. Good luck guys.