We need your help...providing education to children across Bali.
The countdown is on....in May 2023 I will be running an Ultra Marathon across Bali (that's 84km).
Not just across, but also up! There is a total of 1776m of elevation during this run! That's a lot of climbing!
Wow, I must really love running, I hear you say?! I don't. I actually find it very hard! Cycling, yes, but running..urgh! When I signed up for this challenge I had never run more than 21km.
So why put myself through months of training in a sport I don't particularly enjoy and what will most certainly be an agonising overnight run in a country far away?
I was lucky enough to go there on holiday last year and I noticed that the hotel I was staying in had links with a foundation that supported children, Bali Children Foundation. Whilst I was there I decided to do some research into the foundation and what it stood for. It turns out that it encompasses everything I stand for. Giving children the opportunity to have an education, to support their families in times of need, and to give the gift of education and all the opportunities this brings with it.
Many of us reading this have been lucky enough to have a good education, to have gone to school, come out with qualifications, and to choose our own path in life. These children do not have that luxury.
A very amazing family sponsored me to go back to Bali last October, so that I could visit the offices of the Bali Children Foundation. Whilst I was there, we drove high into the remote villages to visit the schools they work with and to team teach English with their teachers. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The children could not stop smiling, they were desperately keen to learn although they only had a notebook and pencil. No pretty displays on the walls of the school, no ipads or smartphones. No resources to allow the children who struggled a chance to access education. The teachers were amazing, and their enthusiasm and eagerness to work together was inspiring. But lessons often stopped at midday. The children needed to go and help at home, work in the rice fields or help the mothers out. The children were 8 years old.
The work Bali Children Foundation does stretches far and wide across the community. They help schools upgrade classrooms, create libraries and use donated books to fill them. They are introducing technology into schools and have established a scholarship programme to get older children into a work environment. All this needs money, the money you and I are able to give.
When people think of Bali they tend to imagine a beautiful paradise complete with yoga sessions on the beach, 5-star accommodation and a chance to escape and relax. Now it's time to start seeing the other side and be a part of a change we can make happen.
If you would like further information please visit the website at : https://www.balichildrenfoundation.org
My Updates

Impact day
Saturday 27th May

The countdown is on!
Friday 12th May
Thank you to my Sponsors

Annabel And Charlie

Lucy And Nick
So proud of you for doing this, raising awareness, all your training and the charity work you've done so far! Inspirational!! Love you xx

Anthony Parry
Whoop well done Clara ! Fantastic achievement ! Make sure there's champagne waiting at the finish line 🙌

Jenny Scammell (pearce)
Good luck Clara - the scenery will be beautiful please take lots of pictures! And watch out for the Monkeys in Ubud - they bite!!!

Best of luck C, we're super proud of you. Love Elise, Sam & Ziggy x

Mum And Dad
This is an amazing challenge for such an inspirational cause and we completely admire the training commitment you've shown to try and achieve it. We'll be constantly thinking of you and willing you onwards. with so much love and best wishes.

Franzi And Pete Ward

Clara Pearce

David & Helena Taylor
Go Girl!

Dan Pearce
Good luck Clara, fantastic cause.

Dave And Becky Pearce
Unbelievable achievement Clara, massive respect and well done. Love Dave, Becky and Josh x x

Danielle Tanner

David Forcey
Great stuff. Best of luck

Liss Parry
Good luck today Clara!

Suzanne Parry
So proud of you!

Woof woof.

Sophia And The Storer Family
Good luck Clara!!

Good luck Clara! What a fantastic achievement and for such a brilliant cause I am very happy to support.

Phil & Jude Smith
Awesome training schedule Clara. A great cause, good luck with all the training and fund raising.

Charlotte Steel
My darling Clara, You are a true inspiration. You’ll absolutely smash this! You have inspired me to run a few laps around Allmend. Couch to 5k is still going strong. Miss you so much, enjoy a few cocktails at the end. All our lovely, Charlotte, Jonny, Jemima and Louis xxx

Vanessa And Paul
This is a serious challenge and you are an inspiration! We’ll be thinking of you.

Katie Richardson Ditchfield
So sorry to sponsor so late. Go Clara, you are such an inspiration xxx

Good Luck ! 💪💪😘

Donna Parkin
Well done Clara on this incredible challenge! You are an inspiration and will absolutely smash it!! 💪🏻💥💗 xx

💕 Emmie & Niall

Anna Cohen
You’re a super hero x 🦹♀️

David And Hilary Martin
Best of luck darling on your amazing challenge! X

Florence Beckley
Go go go Clara! Such an incredible and inspirational challenge and you're so amazing!! Good luck xxx

Ollie Carlisle
Good luck Clara! Very impressive stuff x

Helen Rigby

From Christiana, who continues to be amazed by all the wonderful things you do! "I'm so proud of you and I know you'll do a brilliant job! Love you!" All our love! Xx

The Chatzi's
You will be utterly amazing C, we have no doubt, you always were and always will be! Xx

Jill Carlisle
At last the link works! Good luck x

Mark Wilsdon
We’ll done Clara. All the best with this. xx

Ian Brown

Ellie, Will, Josie And Billy Fraser
Good lunch Clara! Great challenge for a very worthwhile cause! X

Jo Findlay
Good luck Clara! A fantastic cause to raise money for. You'll smash it! Jo, Doug, Megan & Sam.xxxx

Good luck Clara