I'm fundraising for...
G’day everyone
In May this year myself and a small group of great people are running 84km overnight coast-to-coast across Bali to support children’s education in Bali with the award-winning Bali Children Foundation. I’ve written up a quick spiel below to explain what’s happening and how I aim to contribute to this worthy cause.
The Bali Children Foundation are an Australian based charity that have sought to target the issue of children's education across multiple regions of Indonesia. In this journey, the BCF have developed the efficiency of their donation throughput to the point that $220 AUD puts an elementary school child through a scholarship for one year.
With that in mind my aim is to be able to support a class room of 20 children getting a leg up in life for a year’s worth of education during their primary years! This brings my fundraising total to $4400!
For me personally, getting great education has been the catalyst to so many great opportunities in my life and therefore I see it as something that everyone deserves.
With this in mind I would humbled and over the moon to receive your support! If you wanna understand more about it feel free to give me a call on 0478 773 590 or equally come along for a run between now and May!
Every little donation counts and I thank you for the taking the time to read this!
Love, Hughie
My Updates

Getting started
Wednesday 8th Jan I’m incredibly excited to have started the journey with training and fundraising this week!Thank you to my Sponsors

Hugh Manson

Grace Otoole
Good job Hugh! Hope it’s not too humid!

Love your work Hugh boy!! 🏃🏻♂️👏

Sascha Heywood

Lara Piovesana

Joe Murphy

Love this - sending lots of luck!!

Baden Manson
Good luck with the run, hope your as much of an inspirational to the people you help over there as you are too me!

Jass Zarlenga
Good luck brother!!

Luke Stacey
Onya Hughie keeping fighting the good fight

Tom Kleinig
Great man, great cause