I'm fundraising for Bali Children Foundation - gifting education to help change lives
(Amounts above for donations are and will be converted in AUS $)
Bali Children Foundation helps thousands of children to complete school, to find employment, and to improve their lives and the life of their community.
This is my first Ultra-marathon, climbing over ~ 6,000 ft / 1,800m overnight across the island of Bali! And it was important to find an event that would support a charity linked with children - helping them set for a successful future.
US $20 / AUD $25 provides a backpack and a full stationery/art set
US $40 / AUD $50 provides English classes for one disadvantaged child for 1 year
Thank you to my Sponsors


Tes Freres
Happy birthday !!!!!! Sis! Un beau projet, on est fière de toi ! Profites de chaque pas que tu feras, un pas pour un enfant, un autre pour toi. Tu traverseras ainsi Bali à la force de tes jambes et de ton mental. Quand ton corps te dira, stop, dis toi que ca sera quand tu auras les pieds dans l'eau à boire un Coconut. tu pleureras sans doute, mais ca sera des larmes de joies! en tout cas nous sommes fiers de pouvoir dire que notre soeur à traversé Bali à pied! Tem

Leng & Doudou
Joyeux anniversaire sista/SIL! Dans 5 semaines, Bali pour une super cause!! Tem Tem

Best of luck Kim!!!

Super initiative! All the best!

Romain Schoumacker
Cela devrait faire un compte rond.. C'est une belle cause, il y en a malheureusement beaucoup d'autres.. Bravo pour ton investissement, que je sais sincère. Je te souhaite une belle course de charité, et un 1er ultra trail de 80k reussi !

Kim Phei Linn Hoeu
Joyeux anniversaire Tche Kim ! Bravo de faire ce super challenge, tu vas pouvoir aider plein d’enfants ♥️ Je suis fière de toi et je t’aime fort.

Lustre Skin
Good luck from the Lustre team!

Stefanos Antonakopoulos
Good luck Kim and hope you have a great time while you smash that ultra for such a good cause!

Kuntheavy Chin
Je te souhaite tout le meilleur pour cette course, Kim ! Je suis fière de toi, tu donnes toujours de ta personne pour aider les autres, quelle qualité ! On t'encouragera de loin. Gros bisous !

Herbie Dayal
Best of luck!! Herbie

Jane Lafleur
So proud of you my Kimmy

Isabelle Regis
This is amazing Kim !!

Ali Bouhouch
Best wishes for a fantastic run!

You’ve already amazed me with your dedication and enthusiasm over the last few months during your training and in spite of a major setback. Hopefully you have a fabulous adventure in Bali - I’ll be thinking of you. Go for it, you warrior! Well done!

Really inspiring to see your commitment and bravery!! And always with your amazingly positive vibes!! You are going to smash it!! Best of luck Kim! Xx

Super initiative!!! On t’encourage très très fort et on te supporte pour le Bali Children foundation également. Proud of you! Xx

Andrew Silberstein

Good luck Kim! Such an amazing thing to do for you and this charity. I’ll be cheering you on in spirit! 🥳

Nadia Hussain
So proud of you for challenging yourself, and for a good cause! Love you lots!

Philip Taylor
Best of luck Kim!

Marie Kennedy
Good luck Kim! You are an extraordinary human being! Congrats. Lots of hugs Marie

Bruno Porcari
Good luck and enjoy the adventure along the run. Smash it 🔥

Alexandre Ly #leehong
Bonne chance Tchetche kim ! Je sais que tu vas aller jusqu'au bout, j'en doute même pas. On est tous avec toi !

Lisa Ma
Well done girl!

Nnenna Onuba
Go girl! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

Niall Mccormack
Go Kimmie! So proud of you on your journey! You got this 💪

Gillain Stanwick
so proud of you for all the challenges you've taken on in the past year, for all your training, and for always being such a ray of sunshine xoxoxo

Rie Tai

It’s finally here and I know you’re going to do so well! You’ve put in all the hard work and dedication and have already become a well seasoned trail runner. Now it’s time to go out there and enjoy it. Best of luck to you Kimmy!

Austin Cherry

Go smash it Kim! Very proud of you!

You are amazing, Kim. Good luck out there.

So inspired what you have done Kim 🔥🏃🏽♀️🙌

Georgina Potts
Good luck Kim, you have got this!

Sam Bourke
Its going to be so good!

Adam Harwood
Go Kim, such an awesome feat!

Congratulations Kim - incredible achievement!!!

Lou Lou, Emmy, G & Floody X
Wow Kimmy!!! So so proud of you. We'll be thinking of you, every step of the way!

Good luck KimmiFoodie the Eat Sleep Dreamers are behind you!

Les Lim-ballot
Bravo Kim pour cette superbe cause que tu soutiens! On est de tout cœur avec toi!

Laurent Yang
Amazing challenge and cause!

Sam Cox
So smash it Kim! Good luck!

Harriet May
Happy birthday, Kim! 🍻🌟 You're a star!

Jemma Ralton
Go Kim Go! Enjoy every minute of it, you'll smash it!

Abbey Watt
Absolute superstar!!!!!! 🚀

Amy Freer
Congratulations Kim, you smashed it!!!

Mike Kong
Good Luck Kim!

Goooooo Kim 😘

Jasmin De Vial
Wow! Wishing you the best of luck. An amazing cause. Lots of Love ♥️

Alice Vaughan
Good luck Kim, amazing challenge - you’re an inspiration !!

Ale :)
Good Luck!!

I think you are such an amazing human!! This is an extremely tough challenge to take on, but I’ve seen your training and you are going to absolutely smash this! To raise money and help all those beautiful children is extremely special and rewarding. Good luck, go get it lovely 💪🏻❤️🥰

Good luck again 🥰🤗❤️💪🏻

This is amazing Kim! And witnessing all your energy and effort preparing for the race is really inspiring!! ❤️ you’re gonna do great!! Enjoy the process!! 😍😍

Happy birthday Big Kim!! Have a blast in Bali!

Jessica Lowrey
Good Luck Kim! xxx
Bravo ma fille! Tu es forte 💪🏼 on est fier de toi! ❤️