Matty Hanley

The 2024 Bali Hope Ultra

I am running 84km overnight coast-to-coast across Bali to help lift-up a disadvantaged community in Bali with the award-winning Bali Children Foundation. Please support me by donating. 

$220 puts an elementary school child through a scholarship for one year.

$100 provides food support and essential vitamins for a malnourished child for 3 months.

Why I joined Bali Hope Ultra 2024

Hey Supporters, 

Thanks for dropping in here to check out my fundraising page. 

One of the many things I have learned over the last few years of transformation; whilst having a good look in the mirror is that I must start to do hard things in order to get outside my comfort zone. For too many years I have 'played it safe' and avoided anything hard believing that this was what we as humans were meant to do; look for the easy path, avoid the uncomfortable. This strategy only got me so far in life and a few years ago I had a realisation that I was living a mundane, mediocre existence and that I was missing out on so many opportunities by avoiding the ‘uncomfortable’.

I knew there was so much more in me. I knew I deserved to feel what it was like to go all in on something and reap the rewards, to feel success outside of business... To feel fear, vulnerability, nervousness; to go all in on a mission.

So, in memory of my late Dad, Denis, who was a sub 3 Hour marathoner; I decided to take up running again. After 23+ years of running a large, demanding business I had lost my true identity, I’d become soft, lazy and uninspired. As a result, it had been many years since I had run. So late in 2022 I pulled on the runners again and joined The Salt Social, a run club here on the Gold Coast, QLD. I showed up, vulnerable, nervous and unfit. It wasn't long until I was feeling that sense of excitement again. I ran 10K in 50 minutes on my first run back and it felt so easy. It reminded me of how I used to feel when I went out running. The support I got from the crew there was like nothing I have experienced before. I was welcomed with open arms. I felt inspired to keep showing up, to keep levelling up, to do more, to be more consistent. My health became my No.1 value rather than wealth and for the first time in 25 years I felt like the healthy, fit, strong man that I was when I was in high school playing high level AFL football.

My run coach Sean Bell encouraged me to get even more uncomfortable. So in December 2022 I signed up to my first marathon and went all in on training. I remember the feeling of completing that first marathon and how elated I was to feel such a massive sense of achievement. The hours I had put in were massive. The sacrifices were worth it and the pain was only temporary. I felt proud to complete such a epic challenge but to be honest I was addicted to the process, the journey.

The battle we have within ourselves when facing our fears, looking something outrageously hard in the eye is what fascinates me to keep pushing and to keep testing myself. I don’t want to die wondering if there was more in me, if I could have conquered that big thing that I thought impossible at the beginning. That is my worst fear, to die knowing there was so much more in me but I didn’t even try to go after it, what a waste. So I will continue to look for hard, to ask myself the hard questions and stare in the mirror.. into my eyes and have the honest conversation with myself. Are you doing everything you can to be the man you want to be?

12 months ago, with the support of my incredible wife Christina, I decided to challenge myself to something extraordinarily hard again. Signing up to an ultramarathon....  Something I never ever believed I could possibly do, something extreme and overwhelmingly challenging; both physically & mentally. The hours I have trained both in the gym and on the legs are immense but I feel so grateful for this next opportunity to go deep and push my limits.

I have joined Bali Children’s Foundation for their 2024 Bali Hope Ultra to raise funds for Balinese children and their families in need.  

On Saturday May 25th 2024 I am running across the island of Bali, throughout the night, from Lovina on the North Coast down over the mountain to Canguu, the beach on the South Coast, 85 Kilometres, with 1650m elevation in my first Ultramarathon. That’s right, a double marathon.

In order to participate in this incredible, life changing experience the participants must raise funds for Bali Children’s Foundation. I have set a goal of raising $10,000 AUD. 

If you are able to donate in any capacity, please sponsor me and support my efforts to give back and change lives. Even the smallest of donations go so far in Indonesia where most families survive on less than $100 a month income. 

Every $1.00 raised will help Bali Children Foundation in their mission to provide underprivileged school children have the best education possible by providing much needed upgrades to school facilities, build new classrooms, employ quality teachers, provide technology such as iPads for students to learn to read and write as well as providing the necessary curriculum and pathway for these beautiful happy, smiling children.  

Below is a snapshot at what your kind donation will assist with: - 

$50 - will help provide Stationary, Backpack, and Shoes for one underprivileged student. 

$100 - will help provide a classroom upgrade for one elementary student in a class of 30 students in an impoverished school. 

$150 - will help provide English as Foreign Language (EFL) and Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math, and Humanity (STEAM-H) delivery for one grade 4-6 student for three years in remote areas. 

$220 - will help provide EdTech and Remedial Literacy & Numeracy delivery for one grade 1-6 student in underserved communities. 

Simply click here to make a tax deductable donation through my page. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the link below into your browser: 

Please share this and do your best to help me raise much needed funds. 

Thank you so much for your support - it is truly appreciated. 

Best Wishes - Matty Hanley 

My Updates

Appreciate all the donations so far!

Saturday 11th May
There's been an overwhelming amount of support right out of the gates since launching this fundraiser! Huge thankyou to all the incredible donations so far! Let keep going to hit the $10,000 goal before May 25th.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Roz And Keith Nobbs


Cheatley Hire

Your gunna smash it mate. Leading by example and doing hard things. 💪


Frances Hawker

Go Matt! Selamat jalan.


Wayne Hubbard

Smash it!


Elecstar Pty Ltd


Simon Miller

Go hard champ!


Maclean Distributors Pty Ltd



Matty, you're an inspiration Mate, very special human. There's more in ya!


Tasmin Waterhouse

What an incredible challenge you have set yourself Mattie and what an needing cause xx best of luck from our house - we will be cheering you on.


John Regan

Great cause Matt you’re changing others lives not just your own. I remember you talked about that at the ROP


Rick Mitten

Go get ‘em Jim. Proud of you. Love you heaps.


Mathew Hess

You’re a Legend. Matt God Speed !!!



Go Matty !! Legend !! 💪💪🙌


Kirk Phares

So happy to be able to support you in this! I ran my first (and only) marathon in 1999 and ran with Team in Training in support of finding a cure for Luekmia. It was an incredible experience and I know this will be for you! Full circle brother. 3:57 in case you are wondering 😃


Craig Bolton


Vincent J. O'brien

Get after it Matty! Great cause your racing for. It's inspiring hearing you talk about your training as well! The shadow warriors of Black Passport Group are with you!




The Salt Mill

So pumped for you Matty. What you have achieved so far is truly inspiring.. Wishing you an amazing & rewarding experience.


Reef Burgess

Love your work brother! Your gonna smash it


Chris Nichols

Get it Brother!!


Leonie Hanley

Well done Matt ❤️❤️❤️


Kev Cochrane

With you in spirit Matty. Go well ….


Ben Brizzi

Let’s Go Legend!!


Jason Morgan

Go u good thing




Kieran Bailey

Hey Matt. Huge effort mate !! All the best in Bali !!!!!!


Anthony Barker

Legend 👊🏽


Mathew Anderson Anderson

You champion


Heidi Argent

Hey Matty Thank you for being so inspirational with all of your strength, courage and determination in life. Good luck and well done for your commitment to the Bali children.


Pawlow Liweesi


James Sargent



