Everesting Batur for Bali
I am running Mount Batur 35 times up and down to reach the elevation of Everest: 8848m, which will be 93km and take around 24 -30 hours, non stop. All to support Bali Children Foundation.
Remote communities in Bali are already suffering from significant poverty.
Everesting Batur will fund BCF's work in the district of Songan which lies right next to Mount Batur - one of the most sacred places on the island.
Our goal is to raise AU$50,000 / US$39,000 to support 850 of our most disadvantaged elementary students and 90 infants and toddlers in the Posyandu Centre program (early years and motherhood).
BCF's work proves that delivering literacy and a pathway to employment for a child will help break the cycle of poverty for an entire family. And when this is repeated dozens of times across a community, lasting change is possible.
As Songan adjusts to the impact of COVID and prepares for a better future, BCF is building partnerships to ....
Thimo, Henny and Arya
Thank you to my Sponsors

Tom And Caroline Dower

Andreas Stenman
From family Stenman

Alex Ferris

Janet Baker

Jenny Buck
Massive achievement, well done again!


Javier De Benito

Good luck!


Melinda Pm
Lots of love from Team PM xx

Jane Tutton
Well done to you all - an amazing achievement while raising money for such a worthwhile cause.

Rebecca Spence
Incredible challenge Henny for such a wonderful cause. You will do amazing!!
