Thank you to my Sponsors

Agilian - Ian

Ali Fox

Jim Raffone
Go get em girl. So proud of you!!!

Claudia Ferrari
Go the FOX! The Ferrari will be with you in spirit :)

Gramsie Fox
May the Foxes prevail in support of the Bali children.

Pieter Van Vuren

Papa Fox
Like Fox . . . on the run . . .

Andrea Wilson
Don’t go bush mode when you see a pack of dogs in the night - keep running! Love you my friend and I am so proud of you, as always. Xoxoxoxoxo

Phil Holland
Go Ali, you are an inspiration

I'm always up to help you chase your dreams!

I know you got this Ali

Jessica Batterham
Well done Ali on finishing this run for Bali Children Foundation!

Happy Birthday Superstar!!

Best of luck Ali!!!!

Wesley Askew
Best of luck and all the best Ali 💙❤️💛

For kms 41-45kms to get you through the darkness and dogs amazing friend ❤️🥰

Alexandra Wittke
You got this and you’re AMAZING! sending happy thoughts and the best sunny vibes for the nights 🤩 Thinking of you babe!!!

Ruth Clark
Well done Ali - you are awesome! Xx

You're making a difference in our world!!

Amy Yeoman

Diane Mackintosh
Keep on going cous your doing amazing so proud of everything you do. Love you loads. Diane and all here xxxxxx

Colin Yarker
Finally signed up. Time to start moving …

Ruth Clark
Good luck Ali - you will smash it! Xxx

Josh Hood
Have a great run!! It’s a race. 😉

Ruth Clark
Ali, I am in awe! Go for it cous xxx

Natalie Burrows
You go girl!

William Mccarthy

Mumma & Uncle Onion
You’ve got this … physically emotionally and mentally. One foot In front of the other Mumma & Uncle Onion

Diane Mackintosh
What an amazing lady you are, keep on going cous you are a star 🌟 xxx

Colin Yarker
Looking forward to November….

Sophia, Helica & Lucas
You got this Ali! From our tribe- Helica, Lucas & Sophia
Such a great cause, looking forward to hearing all the run stories