I'm fundraising to help improve education for children in Songan village, North Bali.
I started teaching English to street children. I couldn't believe that in Bali we still have children who don't know how to read and write - this is where my passion started with literacy.
Having grown up surrounded by books - I really believe in the power of the pen and the written word!
After speaking to Margaret about the children in Songan - I wanted to help in some way and then hearing how the pandemic was such a BIG threat in reversing the years of work done in literacy, I wanted to do something about it.
I believe in the importance of education, the importance of reading - especially for girls!
My Updates

Songan Visit, June 14 2022
Sunday 10th Jul I have been wanting to go to Songan village for years with @balichildrenfoundation @marg_barry & today I finally got the chance to visit SDN 6 Songan with @officialputeriindonesia The children cheerfully greeted us then we followed along in class & read them a story book which was about getting lost in the forest. Following my mission in literacy, we are working together towards building the community through improvements in their education, libraries & school infrastructure. Stay tuned what we did & our project together! ShareThank you to my Sponsors

Eddy Balma


Hi Laksmi, yes, ensuring literacy of the next generation is really important. All the bests for the fundraising!

Jane Walters
Good luck with your goals- BCF is a foundation very close to our hearts and we are so happy to see you aligning with such a wonderful foundation and important cause !

Aaron D
Wish you all the best and see you in Miss Universe stage, Queen! Warmest regards from Frankfurt, Germany

Hi Kak Laksmi! Good luck with your fundraising for children in Songan Village! Also, I wish you all the best in Miss Universe 2022. Get the crown!

Pinktakeaway Pinktakeaway
