Nicholas Leman

The Bali Hope SwimRun 2023

Help me fundraise for the Bali Hope Childrens Foundation

I am competing in the The Bali Hope Swimrun in September to help protect the community on the island of Lembongan, Bali alongside the award-winning charity Bali Children Foundation.

Please support by donating. 

$220 puts an elementary school child through a scholarship for one year.

$100 helps develop the community recycling centre. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Susie Paul Ivany

Good luck


Peter Leman And Heather Russell

Good luck in the Swimrun. What a great cause to support. Enjoy!


Joe Andersen

What a joy to help you get to the end again my friend. Cant wait to hear about it! Big love legend!! Take some turns at razors for me!



Goodluck brother!


Gaylene Mckay


Goum ??

Good luck Nick


Lissy D

Let's go NICK!!!


Samantha May

Good luck Nick!


David Bolzonello


Jonathan Drezner