Everesting Batur for Bali's Children

I am running Mount Batur 35 times up and down to reach the elevation of Everest: 8848m, which will be 93km and take around 24 -30 hours, non stop. All to support Bali Children Foundation.
Remote communities in Bali are already suffering from significant poverty.
Everesting Batur will fund BCF's work in the district of Songan which lies right next to Mount Batur - one of the most sacred places on the island.
Our goal is to raise US$5,000 to support 85 of our most disadvantaged elementary students and 90 infants and toddlers in the Posyandu Centre program (early years and motherhood).
BCF's work proves that delivering literacy and a pathway to employment for a child will help break the cycle of poverty for an entire family. And when this is repeated dozens of times across a community, lasting change is possible.
As Songan adjusts to the impact of COVID and prepares for a better future, BCF is building partnerships to ....
Thank you to my Sponsors



Klaus Macht

Gillian Wilson
Wishing you all the best Thimo. I am so happy to donate to give a little back to the beautiful island of Bali that has given me so much happiness over many years.

Karine And Laurent Tuffi
Good luck Timo, enjoy your challenge!


Friedrich Schobert
Best of luck 🤞

Sam Thwaites

Juliette Money

Danialle An
Great job Thimo. Congratulations.

I am with you!

David Suarez
Hi Thimo, this sounds like an incredible challenge and wonderful cause. Good luck with the run!

Malte Noack

Peter Heinzke

Robin Frost
So happy to help support the Children of Bali. Well done.


Stefan Dongus
Good mive, Thimo

Fuminori Kondo
what a beautiful challenge, Thimo! respect you👍

Lieber Thimo, ich wünsche Dir viel Rückenwind und Erdverbundenheit bei jedem Deiner Läufe auf diesem schönen Planeten und die Unterstützung aller guten Geister, dass Du immer wieder leichtfüßig und glücklich Dein Ziel erreichst. Vielleicht liegt manchmal ja auch das Ziel im Lauf, was meinst Du? Herzliche Grüße Gaby

Alexandra Smyth
You’re a rockstar!!!

Phil Spaninks
Hau rein, Thimo!!
Viel Glück beim Lauf und beim Geldsammeln…😘❣️