Grant, Derek, Mike and Jase paddle across the Bass Strait.
We are 4 mates, kayaking unsupported from Wilsons Prom to Tasmania in support of the children of Bali.
We leave (weather permitting) on the 26th March and could be paddling for two weeks/a month. We'll camp along the way on the small islands between the mainland and Tasmania.
We hope you'll follow our journey and donate to the Campaign if you can. Corporate sponsors welcome. Logos will be displayed in our gallery. Every penny goes to the Children. See you on the other side!
My Updates

Sea Dogs Update 8:
Thursday 14th Apr

Sea Dogs Update 7:
Thursday 14th Apr

Sea Dogs Update 6
Thursday 14th Apr

Sea Dogs update 5
Thursday 14th Apr

Sea Dogs Update 4:
Thursday 14th Apr

Sea Dogs Update 3:
Thursday 14th Apr

Thursday 31st Mar

Hogan Island
Monday 28th Mar

Launched!! Saturday 26th March
Sunday 27th Mar

Friday 25th Mar
Thank you to my Sponsors


Ken Lowe
Top work fellas - happy paddling

Graham Dugdale
This is fantastic chaps. I’m so enjoying following your progress

Sarah Bullock
All the best guys! What an incredible effort thus far. Look forward to hearing all about the journey you are about to embark.

Lainey’s Foods
Good luck guys you are all inspirational and very very brave. Good to see we have great men like you guys in our community. Safe travel and see you all back safe and sound👍

Bit Shmick
Well done mike You look 10 years younger

Prue And Chris
Good luck for your epic journey. We will be with you all the way.

Bec Gibbs
Good luck and best wishes for an amazing adventure!! Grant I hope this is the end of your mid-life crisis, looking forward to doing normal things😂. Safe travels ❤️❤️

Troy & Joanne O’sullivan
Well done Gibbo and team. Stay safe and enjoy your success 😊

Adrian Hare

Chris O’shea
Great cause, good work fellas

Vanessa And Nick Wootton
You guys are inspiring us all, your determination, courage an tenacity are a credit to humanity and what a worthy charity you have chosen we are delighted to support you!

David Mooney
Inspirational guys, well done.

Deanne Bulstrode
See you on the other side 🥰.

Xplora Watercraft
Fair winds and following seas gents, looking forward to the pic from Musselroe Bay!

Paul Samaras

David Reeves
Great effort Gibbo!

Jim And Corrina
Congratulations Team! Amazing effort🥰🙌

Sal & Matt Davis
Absolute legends.

Helen & Jon
Safe Travels

Deb And Matt

Anita Machin

Christopher Brodie

Congrats, all! What an adventure!

Paul & Caren Templar

Natalie Howard

David Barrow
Well done what an achievement

Sarah Hudson
Wow, am in awe at your achievement! Fantastic to watch your trip too.

Stephen Kimber
Great effort guys

Congratulations to you all. An adventure to remember.

Carolyn Whelehan

Chris, Sarah & Jack
Good luck Mike and team!

Kayley Ward
Loved sharing the journey

well done guys!

Sandra Anderson
Fabulous effort 👏👏

Mel Fw
Wow! What an awesome & inspirational effort.

Salar Farzad
Best of luck Derek and team

Dean Whitehead
Great job guys.

Roberta Sullivan
Stay safe.

Em Chetwin

Julian Walker
Worthwhile cause..good onya Gibbo et al.
Paddle well. Stay safe.