I'm fundraising to help improve the education for thousands of children
In lieu of birthday presents, Aloisio prefers to direct donations to Bali Children Foundation for English room upgrade at 1-2 North Lombok schools near Hotel Tugu Lombok. This involves repainting, a new projector, speaker, grade 4 English-Indonesian dictionaries, bilingual story books, and a beautiful new reading corner & bookshelf for the children. It costs Rp. 16,500,000 for one classroom upgrade.
Thank you to my Sponsors

Chris & Paulina Dagher

Johanna Daniela Hoffmann

Sean Mcaloney
You are half a century, or 5 decades, or 50 years, or 600 months, or 2609 weeks, or 18262 days, or 438288 hours, or 26297280 minutes, or 1577836800 minutes old, depending on what unit of measure you are using. Hey, at least I didn’t figure it out for seconds. Happy 50th birthday! Welcome to the Club! Best, Sean & Rara

Kerry Nguyen
Such a great cause - Keep up the good work! P.s HB to Aloisio :)

Chenti Pangesthi
They say 50 is the new 40!? Happiest Birthday Alo! Big hugs from uuusss!

Tim Wiswell
Happy Birthday! See you tomorrow!

Wiswell Family
Happy Birthday! See you tomorrow!

Marnix Beugel
Congrats to a spring chicken

Great initiative, keep up the good work Mr Aloisio!

Matthew Saul

Congratiolations to the BD boy!

Happy Bday Aloisio! Congratulations and see you on Saturday! Cheers, Mark, Norin, Keanu, Toby and Zacky

Alyse Webster
Happy Birthday Aloisio!

Eva Claudio
Happy birthday Alo!!!

Marcantonio Pinci
Happy Birthday Aloisio!

Tim Dooling , Aka Julius
Selamat HUT!

Joy And Marc

Sayu Putri
Happy birthday Aloisio
Hey Alo thank you for this beautiful initiative we’re happy to support. Wishing you a marvelous birthday. With all our love